
Sunday, February 10, 2013

How to make Brown Sugar

Brown sugar…
A staple in making chewy cookies, gooey cinnamon buns, luscious honey bun cake….
So what do you do when you have everything in your house to satisfy that craving for something fattening, but the brown sugar???

You make some….

I grew up making brown sugar… in fact it was my job to make it… and boy did I hate making it…

Since we had no electricity, it was a pastry cutter and a large bowl… instead of taking only five minutes to make… I was at the horrid job for at least 20 minutes…  

That was 20 minutes I could have been reading or drawing…

I swore I was never going to grow up and make brown sugar… I was  gonna be like normal people and just  buy it…

Normal is so overrated..

So in order to cut even more costs around the kitchen, I started making my own again..

I had another moment of feeling like a lousy parent, ( one of many lately) when telling my oldest daughter that we were going to make brown sugar.. she looked at me with wide eyes in complete amazement and said…

“ You can MAKE brown sugar?”

So I had to go into a rant how, yes you can and actually white sugar is just brown sugar with all the molasses spun out of it… (Whether that is true or not, I just repeated what my own Mama told me when I asked that very question… I guess I could go look it up, but again… laziness has won again)

So here we have molasses…. I have several different brands DH kept picking up bottles, thinking we had none… I am pretty sure I could make about 10 lbs of dark brown sugar with all that I have…

Here is the deadliest sin in a health nuts kitchen… white sugar ( last two words said in a deep scary voice)

Dump some molasses over some white sugar.. I don’t measure.. just eye ball it..
If it ends up to too dark add some more sugar… too light add more molasses

With your mixers whisk.. beat on low for a good 5 to 10 minutes… till all the molasses is completely mixed in…

 We can see here it isn’t done

Now it is… continue with midnight sweet craving or store in air tight container…


  1. Well you only vaguely, sorta trashed me on this one, on your slavery...counteracted by my brilliant invention of homemade brown sugar. I thought that one up myself. so great I am. Guess that's where you get it......
    Mountain Mama

  2. Oh don't worry Mama, I have a whole other post on how I was abused by washing dishes as a teenager...

  3. Well never the less, I love you both, I hope you know that.... (and as I am almost out of brown sugar, I'm going to go make some and think about my dear friends...)
