
Monday, November 21, 2011

More random thoughts from the housewife

I felt like I started off November running from this side of town to the next…  I keep hearing things about Thanksgiving and wonder why they are talking about it soooo early.  Christmas shopping? That’s months away!! Mind you Thanksgiving for us growing up was canning turkeys because they were on sale and Christmas was not something we did… it becomes quite a shock several times a week for me when I realize that this is November and Christmas is next month…  then I forget about it and go back to my hunt for dust bunnies only to repeat the cycle when I come up for air.

 School this year is a joy… we started off like a old truck in September (start,stop,start,stop,chug,chug,chug) to run out of gas last month… Once all fall projects are completed we are back to the grindstone… but that’s not to say we are still not learning. I am embracing more and more “unschooling”  and armed with a pencil and notebook a outing to the grocery store can be a full day of school… Math: why we can’t buy that cool looking toy and get milk, History: last week we poked our sister with our grubby toes and she screamed and caused the whole back seat to erupt into a boiling fight… lets do it again. Science: The law of gravity and cans of green beans…   sarcasm aside each day has something to teach you… and as a parent it is our job to teach them how to spot life’s teaching lessons.

I’ve learned how to control my tongue better…. And to keep from shoving my foot in my mouth.
Coming to the conclusion that my opinions are just that… mine..  not very many ppl have the same outlook on childbirth, child raising, child correction, fashion, and conduct of a woman…. I don’t need to push mine on others… it makes me mad when they do that to me why would I think they would feel any better when I do the same??? 

The house became quieter yesterday…. My oldest is on a adventure to W.Va. staying with his Memaw for several weeks…

He better not come home any taller.

So far I have only three and half rooms left to fall clean… there is nothing like the feeling of throwing out bags and bags of “trash”. I love clutter as much as the next hoarder but sometimes my clutter has to make sense….  And a cabinet that is overflowing with baking pans and I only use half and after a trek to dig through the pots and pans to find that cheesecake/cake pan you tend to want to fling something… so I have left the kitchen for one of the last hurdles to get over.

And while the Jr. hoarder is away I can tackle his closet that is filled with toys and clothes that he refuses to throw away…..
With Thanksgiving less than three days away I am sure there will be many more trips across town and many more explosions in the back seat.

I feel like I have been hiding from blogging by washing dishes and attacking the laundry... I get these bright idea's of blogging at least 4 times a week... and then life happens and no time to sit down for more than ten minutes or the brain power to try and make my posts semi intelligent. 

But I am gonna do better!!!


  1. I'm telling James on you about his closet. And forget about him not growing any taller....grew 4 inches last night.
