
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hashbrown Casserole

Everyone has weaknesses, some people like to cook nothing but healthy food and see how long  they could eat nothing but acorns and sunflower seeds… I on the other hand love comfort food and go about seeing how long I could eat nothing but butter and heavy cream.

Ok it isn’t that bad…


This morning it just felt like a morning to make a hot breakfast.. so hashbrown casserole we do.

If you can’t find hashbrowns in the grocery were you live just peel, boil 4 or 5 potatoes and shred thick..

One day… I am going to find a recipe I like for cream of mushroom.. and then figure out how I could can it.. but that is for a other food adventure.

Melt butter

Dice up your onions and cook until translucent … my onions were a tad too big but I like chunks of onions.. that and Layla can pick them out easier.

Add your cream of soup choice… you can use mushroom or chicken

Add your cream cheese and on low heat melt..

Add your sour cream… ever wonder if you could use frozen sour cream?? And will it just curdle in your food leaving chunks of nastyness?? Well you can!! And it doesn’t!! Someone turned down the fridge so everything against the back wall was a frozen block of yogurt, sour cream, creamer, romaine hearts.

Cheddar cheese…


And finally hashbrowns

Stir well and pop that in the oven at 350 for an hour
Serve and store leftovers in the fridge…

1- 20 oz bag of thawed hashbrowns
1- 10 oz can cream of mushroom or cream of soup of your choice
1- 8 oz package cream cheese
1 cup of shredded cheese
1 cup sour cream
1 small onion chopped
1 stick of butter ½ cup

Melt butter and sauté onions till translucent add soup and stir. Add cream cheese and stir on med-low heat till melted, add sour cream, cheese and hashbrowns mix well and bake in a preheated oven at 350 for 1 hour 

1 comment:

  1. oh...add a layer of chopped, raw, unsalted, pumpkin seeds and 1 tbs ground flax meal, and then maybe some homemade sauerkraut on the side!
